Current tenant relationship and demand overview

Less than one in five property managers said tenants were a top priority, but nearly 50% said growth was the most critical issue they faced. This disconnect is often seen in tenant satisfaction scores. 90% of renters between the ages of 18 and 34 have at least one regret about renting. Common reasons for tenant dissatisfaction include high rents, small homes, lack of parking spaces, unresponsive landlords and long leases. While many of these complaints are difficult to remedy, property managers can Influence tenant satisfaction by focusing on improving the tenant customer journey. From search to sale, there is an opportunity to improve the experience, which in turn increases tenant referrals, reviews and satisfaction scores.

High Rent

Small house

Lack of parking

Slow transaction processing

Long lease term

Let's take a look at the customer journey - the tenant's current experience and how to improve each step.

1. Ensure objectivity and neutrality

The media often publish questionnaires on newspapers or websites, and the questionnaires are sent back by enthusiastic readers or netizens or filled out online. In fact, the statistical results of such surveys cannot be guaranteed to be objective and scientific. The owner satisfaction survey conducted by government departments, if conducted through property companies or property industry associations, violates the principle of avoidance of related parties in the survey. Strictly speaking, such an investigation should be conducted through an investigation company or an academic institution to ensure objectivity and neutrality.

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2. The property initiates a satisfaction survey

There are basically two types of owner satisfaction surveys conducted by the property management company: the company dispatches staff, or the project department conducts its own survey. The former is usually implemented by the company's quality management department, or the company entrusts a third party to complete it; the latter is performed by customer service or building managers arranged by the project department serving each community. In terms of objectivity, reliability, and economy, there are obvious differences between several survey methods, as well as operating procedures and basic requirements. Judging from the results of the investigation, the third-party conduct is relatively the most objective and accurate. And the investigation by the project department itself has the lowest reliability.

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3. Owner's voluntary satisfaction survey

There is also a survey method, which is conducted by the community owners' committee that has established an owner's meeting. In reality, residential quarters that use this approach are relatively rare. First, the proportion of communities that have established owners' meetings is relatively low, and the working experience and energy of the owners' committee are not sufficient. Most homeowners' committees lack manpower to complete a "census" of homeowner satisfaction that covers the entire community. Second, the owners have not yet realized the role of satisfaction surveys, nor have they effectively combined satisfaction surveys with the supervision of property service quality.

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4. Sentiment surveys cannot replace monitoring mechanisms

Owner satisfaction surveys should generally be conducted in the form of written questionnaires. The content includes the following parts: First, fill in the owner's name and room number truthfully. In terms of the content of the investigation, it should deal with the elevators, water pumps, public lighting, public area facilities, security, cleaning, greening, as well as customer service reception for complaints and repairs, the resolution of service disputes, and the service attitude of property personnel as agreed in the property service contract. Satisfaction to make judgments and choices. In some communities, they will also investigate the service content of community shuttles, letter collection and other services agreed in the contract. Basically, the survey will cover all aspects of the property service contract.
However, satisfaction surveys cannot replace the supervision mechanism of property services. This is because most owners are not very familiar with the details of property service contracts and the characteristics of property service work. At the same time, there is also a big difference between the early property service stage and the property service contract after the establishment of the owners' meeting, and this difference is actually not grasped by most owners. For example, the pre-property contract is essentially composed of three contracts, namely the purchase contract, the developer and the The entrustment contract of the property management company (commonly known as the "big contract") and the entrustment agreement signed by the owner and the property management company when they move in (commonly known as the "small contract"). Owners generally do not see "big contracts".

5. The importance of large contracts

However, it is precisely the large contract that has the most detailed agreement on property services, including requirements for labor, materials, maintenance and other aspects; while in the purchase contract and "small contract", basically only the categories of services are written. And the price of the property fee, no details have been agreed. Therefore, when owners enjoy property services, they are more likely to evaluate the quality of property services from the performance of the property services after they move in, and then evaluate whether the property services "match the quality and price". But most under these circumstances, for various reasons, the investment of the property management company in labor and other aspects will be gradually reduced after the occupancy. At this time, the owner's impression of the property service will form a gap compared with the time of occupancy. When a service dispute occurs, this "negative impression" will be strengthened or even solidified.
In addition, in the early stage of property service, the service plan and implementation, financial budget and final accounts of the property company are rarely disclosed to the owners, and it is not helpful to form the owner's correct understanding of how to achieve the "quality and price matching" of property services. Of course, since there is no general assembly and industry committee, the owner cannot supervise the process of the property service. Therefore, the satisfaction survey in the early stage of property service is actually when the owner cannot fully understand and supervise the property service carried out in the state. The owner's satisfaction survey conducted at this time actually reflects the owner's subjective feelings based on the external performance of the property services such as security, greening, elevators, and whether the operation and maintenance of the water pump are timely.

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